Console Configuration for a Switch

Console Configuration - Basic Setup

Console configuration video

This short video shows how to setup the console password and enable password for the switch. These basic settings can give us some protection.  Something is always preferable to nothing.

Remote and physical connections to switch. 

To connect to a switch using a console, we use a physical wire as shown above. 

Console configuration

We have a physical connection to the switch using a cable.

Picture 1 - simple topology for console connection

Picture 2 - console configuration

From configuration mode, we have direct access to the console, selecting line 0. 

We need to choose the password and login command, to ensure that password will be required during new console access. 

This new created console password is universal for all users connecting to switch. 

Picture 3 - Config file and lines showing console setup

We can check the console settings from configuration file on the switch. 

The line circled with red, shown that console requires the password to login. 

Blue circle area displays virtual lines which are part of telnet or SSH protocols.

Picture 4 - Secret password from privilege mode

The next option that improves security on a switch or router is the password option in privilege mode. 

This password is similar like console one, set up for all users which login to switch or router. 

This password of privilege mode must be setup when we remotely login to the device.

There are two options: secret and password. The secret command creates encrypted password. 

Picture 5 - Console and enable mode passwords verification

In picture 4 in the red circle is shown how a switch verifies a user asking for password when logging in using the console.

The green circle marks switch requirements for password in enable (privilege) mode.

Picture 6 - Terminal configuration

Terminal configuration as shown in picture 6.